How to Clean a Marble Fireplace Without Damaging it

How to Clean a Marble Fireplace Without Damaging it

Marble fireplaces are a stylish addition to any home. Besides providing a classic aesthetic, these can make a dull space look livelier. However, the material can be tricky to clean without sustaining damage. There are some tips that can prevent that:

Most marble fireplaces are light in color. Cleaning with common cleaning agents such as bleach or hydrogen peroxide is a good idea but only in moderation. The chemicals can make the material lose its color if it is not wiped clean thoroughly. Darker stone can be cleaned up with lacquer thinner and even acetone.

Thornhill Galleries offers a range of marble, antique and reproduction fireplaces. This includes those that date back to 18th century and 19th century England.  The gallery offers one of the largest collections of elegant fireplaces that are made in the UK.

Similarly, using a microfiber cloth to clean marble places is a good idea since it does not scratch the surface. Use it to clean the surface free of dirt and dust every day to prevent build-up. The best thing to do is to focus first on areas that are stained with soot.

To remove any stubborn stains on the marble, a clean cloth dipped in distilled water should be used. This is water that has been boiled to remove impurities. It can also be purchased from certain stores. This is important since non-distilled water can damage the marble irreparably. Focusing on heavily stained areas first is a good idea. 

If using water does not remove all of the stains, a cleaning product can be used safely. However, before using the latter, homeowners should check the label first and test it on a small surface. That way they can see if it will damage the marble or not beforehand.

However, there are some cleaning products that should not be used to clean marble fireplaces with. White vinegar and stain removers that contain lime stone are acidic and can etch the surface. Baking soda can cut right down to the finish of the marble if used regularly.

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